Saturday, April 27, 2013

{Camden's 1st} Marathon

Camden had his 1st marathon on Friday!  He had so much fun and it was so cute!!!  The kids are supposed to track their miles at home over the course of a few months and then on the last day run the last mile together as a school!  The fun part for me was that the parents are allowed to run with the students!!!  Next year Scott may have to run with Camden so I can get some pics of the finish line!  After Camden finished he said, "Can we do again next year?!?"  Maybe we have a little track star on our hands!

Bexley's sign for Camden!

Showing our muscles!

 We love our fun teacher!

Our friend made a sign to cheer us on!  I wish you could see it better because it says, "Do it, do it, do it Camden!"  They are too cute!

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