Thursday, May 9, 2013

{Teacher Appreciation} Week!!!

One of my favorite weeks of the year (besides my birthday, Christmas, and Thanksgiving) is when I get to do some crafty gifts for our fun teachers!!!  Here are the projects I was working on for this week!

Monday:  Bring a flower to your teacher ~ of course it wouldn't be complete unless Camden brought them in a colored pencil vase!!!

Tuesday:  School Supplies Day ~ cute rainboot filled with teacher supplies and a gift card to Target to get what she needs for the classroom!

Wednesday:  Thank you note day ~ Camden wrote a cute message to his teacher inside!

Thursday:  Specials Teachers (art, drama, tech, music, library, and PE)

Friday:  Sweet Treat Day ~ "Donut" you love it?!?

Just to let her know we really love her, we added this on Monday morning before she got to school!

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