Friday, April 5, 2013

{Spring Break} Day 4 MORE Magic Kingdom

After dinner the rain went away, so we went back to Magic Kingdom to play some more!  It was so worth it!!!  We got to go on some rides we haven't been on before and meet more characters!  Probably the highlight of the night was Belle's Enchanted Tale's.  I had no idea what we were in for.  Disney takes about 30 people into a room and act out a play for Belle!  Bexley being the shy one of the family stood back and was chosen to be silverware for the Be Our Guest section!  Camden was chosen to be THE BEAST!  I actually started to cry because Camden and Bexley were so cute!  When they were done Camden said, "I was so nervous!  I just wanted to sit and watch the play not be in it!"  He wasn't very happy that he was in the play.  I just don't understand it...he got to dance with a princess!  Defiantly, a great day to not be forgotten!!!

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