Monday, April 1, 2013

{Spring Break} Day 1

We drove 1/2 way to Savannah, GA the 1st day of our trip!  So glad we did because as I was sleeping in the passenger side of the car, Scott started throwing he was driving.  As you can imagine I quickly woke up!  Luckily, we only had an hour left into our trip so he was able to rest for the remainder of the night.  A 24 hour virus I guess because the next day he was TONS better, but....Bexley woke up with a fever!  As I thought this wasn't a great start to our trip, we got to our rental and it was better than what we thought!  We relaxed in the pool the rest of the day in the warm weather...and then started planning Day 2!  Hollywood Studios!!!

Water shooter FIGHT!!!  Camden vs. Team Bexley/Scott
Team Bexley/Scott

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