Wednesday, April 3, 2013

{Spring Break} Jedi Training

We went to Hollywood Studios today and had a blast!  Our own little Jedi, Camden, got chosen to do some Jedi Training!  They pick kids to go up on stage to train and they after the training suddenly DARTH VADER storms out wanting to trick the kids in coming to the dark side.  The kids get to show off their light saber skills to Darth and/or Darth Maul.  A dream come true for him and for sure to be the "best day ever" for awhile!  Here are some pics of his training!

Using "the force" on  the camera lady!
Preparing for our training!

Before Camden's Jedi training, we got him prepped by going on the Star Wars ride.  It's a 3D stimulated  ride where you get to go up against the evil Empire and destroy the Death Star!  (I have never seen the Star Wars Movies so none of this made sense until I rode the ride!)
I think the ride was a little to real for Camden because after we asked if he wanted to go on it again, his answer...."No thanks!"

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