Thursday, March 31, 2016

{Spring Break} Day 5 ~ Swimming Pool Austin

We felt so lucky to have 4 swimming pools and 2 hot tubs at the condo. However, the pools weren't heated and the water was about 70 degrees. Let me tell you...we spent A LOT of time in the hot tub, luckily they were big and deep! The kids loved playing in them! Today, Scott had to work in Austin, so we had a pool day! It wasn't as long of a pool day as I had planned because I had food poisoning. I promised the kids we would do the pool all day! I felt a little better (and I say a teeny bit better as in not throwing up for 30 minutes) to take them to the pool (I mean hot tub) for 1 1/2 hours of play! It was a rough day for me, but a fun one for the kiddos!

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