Monday, March 28, 2016

{Spring Break} Day 2 ~ Cave Tour In Austin

Just outside of Austin you can go exploring in a 3/4 mile long guided tour of a cave. We all have never been in a cave and thought it would be fun for us to do together. Bexley brought her flashlight and was disappointed when we told her we didn't choose the In-The-Dark-Tour (all blacked out, but they give you a flashlight). We chose the tour that had pathways and was lit up! (I was the only chicken who didn't want the all dark tour). It was amazing to hear the history behind the cave and learn all about the formations!

Here we go! This cave goes 70ft under the ground. Temps ranging from 72 to 90 degrees!
Bexley couldn't wait to use her flashlight that she brought from home!

Do you see the rainbow colored lights? They also give a crawling tour. They give you a flashlight and a special suit to wear. You really get to go behind the scenes of a cave ~ thank you! One family member really wanted to do this! Ahem...Camden.
This.picture.doesn'! This is the last stop on the tour ~ the pool room. The water you see is 5ft deep, but only looks about a foot. The reason ~ the water is SO clear that the formations reflect off of the water making it appear to be super shallow! It was by far a favorite. It's huge although I couldn't capture that! Whew...cave pics are hard ones to take!

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