Tuesday, March 29, 2016

{Spring Break} Day 3 ~ San Antonio

We ventured out today to the historic city of San Antonio. 1st stop on the list was some good Tex-Mex. We found a little place called El Mercado (the market) where they have tons of authentic Mexican shops and restaurants. We did a little shopping and got a bite to eat! Next stop, The Alamo. a little history for everyone! This was amazing to see and probably the favorite for everyone...well except for Bexley, she wanted to do a little more shopping (that's my girl)! Final stop was the Riverwalk. This was so fun to see and the energy there was very vibrant! We stopped to have dessert there and walked around. On the way home we stopped in downtown Austin for some bbq at Lambert's! I would highly suggest this if you are ever in Austin ~ ranked Top 5 for bbq in Austin. We didn't think the kids would like it too much, but Bexley and Camden gobbled up the brisket & ribs! We had to order more so Scott and I would actually get to eat something after we finished our salads! You know it's good when Bexley is eating meat!


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