Wednesday, March 30, 2016

{Spring Break} Day 4 ~ Aquarium in Austin

We had planned on spending e.v.e.r.y minute in downtown Austin doing all kinds of outside-sy things today. We had restaurants planned with outdoor seating, these grand parks to take the kids to and just walking around (aka shopping). Things changed quickly when we woke up to fog and rain. The aquarium was a good choice! The pictures looked great on the website, so we headed out! We've seen some amazing aquariums...this one though...hahaha was in a STRIP MALL! We stayed positive, maybe we were too quick to judge. It wasn't big. It wasn't spectacular. It wasn't a whole day of ooh-ing and ahh-ing over animal water life. However, almost all the animals you could hand feed and touch! The sting rays, the fish, birds and the SHARKS! The kids were too scared to feed the sharks, so Scott did it. Bexley wouldn't even take a picture in front of it, she was too scared. Lesson learned...never, ever, judge...we ended up having a lot of fun today!

1st stop...the iguana. So fun that the kiddos could touch almost every animal in the aquarium!

Next stop...touch the Sting Rays, their favorite!

Camden feeding the Sting Rays!

Now, this one just makes me laugh...feeding Sting Rays one minute, super scared of the birds the next. Scott and I had to take pics by the birds so they would know not to be afraid!

The sweet bird attendant kindly took this pic. Love Bex's face in this one and how Camden is clinging to Scott's leg. I was all like, "C'mon kids, don't be scared!" Then a bird flew into my hair! I let out a tiny scream and said, "I'm done!" Camden sweetly replied back, "I thought you said not to be scared...they are just birds!"
Bravely trying to feed the sharks, whenever they got close he just dropped the food in the tank!

Cuteness in the fish tank tunnel!

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