Thursday, October 30, 2014

{Pumpkin Carving Party} 2014

The 1st Halloween Scott and I had together with Camden we were having our own Pumpkin Carving Parties with friends. Scott and I were doing a cutesy pumpkin with Camden letting him feel the "guts" and taking 100 pictures with him while he was feeling the "guts." We would laugh when he would try and put them in his mouth. I remember that year so well because Scott carved his pumpkin, I carved mine, we carved one together with Camden and then whoever got done 1st doing all of that got to carve Kitty's. Oh boy, how times have changed. We now resort to 2 pumpkins TOPS. Scott and I actually high-fived each other this year when Camden wanted to carve his own! I secretly smiled when Bexley said she wanted a kitty-cat on her pumpkin (e.a.s.y ~ no patterns or tricky carving here). Ha! Anywho...our neighbor always has a Pumpkin Carving Party every year and it's great to celebrate with friends and see all of the pumpkins at the end of the night!

Shocker...Camden wanted a skateboarder for his pumpkin this year!

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