Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{Downtown} Trick or Treating

The Saturday before Halloween our cute, little town has a downtown trick or treating. The local businesses dress up and give out candy (or if you are the downtown dentist you give out toothbrushes and fake teeth!). We always run into lots of friends there! This year we ran into our WHOLE neighborhood!!! (Don't we have the cutest neighborhood kids!) We just love our little town of Apex!!!

Voo Doo Doll Girl, Skeleton (Camden), Elsa (Bexley, Grim Reaper, and a witch!
Thank you Peak City Family Dentistry! Love the fake glow in the dark teeth!
Luigi, Skeleton, 2 Elsa's and a Voo Doo Doll!

Our 1st stash of the season!

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