Saturday, October 11, 2014

{Planking} Cole Style

I decided to take the Plank Challenge for the month of October...tried in August, but it was too hard to remember...(our trip to St. Kitts was distracting...ha)! Little did I know if I just put Camden up to it, he would remember to tell me everyday! Camden is my little work out buddy and I love him for that! He is always up for a run, a toning video or A PLANK CHALLENGE! A Plank Challenge is Planking for 30 days in intervals! Day 1-3, 30sec working your way up to Day 25-30 4min to 5min! Anyway, when my reminder goes off in the morning...yes, Camden has it marked on his calendar, we do it! I thought this would be a great time to get the camera out and capture the bonding between us!

       We are planking...just hard to tell, especially on Camden, because our shirts are hanging down!

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