Friday, October 31, 2014

{Happy Halloween} 2014

Happy Halloween! The kids had a blast trick-or-treating this year through the much so they went to EVERY house! They were exhausted by the end of the night!

Even Pirate Kitty was ready for some trick-or-treaters!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

{Halloween Dinner} 2014

Here are our pics from annual Halloween Dinner!

{Pumpkin Carving Party} 2014

The 1st Halloween Scott and I had together with Camden we were having our own Pumpkin Carving Parties with friends. Scott and I were doing a cutesy pumpkin with Camden letting him feel the "guts" and taking 100 pictures with him while he was feeling the "guts." We would laugh when he would try and put them in his mouth. I remember that year so well because Scott carved his pumpkin, I carved mine, we carved one together with Camden and then whoever got done 1st doing all of that got to carve Kitty's. Oh boy, how times have changed. We now resort to 2 pumpkins TOPS. Scott and I actually high-fived each other this year when Camden wanted to carve his own! I secretly smiled when Bexley said she wanted a kitty-cat on her pumpkin (e.a.s.y ~ no patterns or tricky carving here). Ha! Anywho...our neighbor always has a Pumpkin Carving Party every year and it's great to celebrate with friends and see all of the pumpkins at the end of the night!

Shocker...Camden wanted a skateboarder for his pumpkin this year!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It's so hard for me to believe that Bexley is FIVE and now she's riding her bike without training wheels!!! On her day off from school the other day she told me she wanted to learn to ride her bike. Within 5 min she was riding all by herself...on the street...and even turning around! Just goes to show that if you wait until a kid is ready, they can really pick stuff up quickly! She's growing up TOO fast!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

{Downtown} Trick or Treating

The Saturday before Halloween our cute, little town has a downtown trick or treating. The local businesses dress up and give out candy (or if you are the downtown dentist you give out toothbrushes and fake teeth!). We always run into lots of friends there! This year we ran into our WHOLE neighborhood!!! (Don't we have the cutest neighborhood kids!) We just love our little town of Apex!!!

Voo Doo Doll Girl, Skeleton (Camden), Elsa (Bexley, Grim Reaper, and a witch!
Thank you Peak City Family Dentistry! Love the fake glow in the dark teeth!
Luigi, Skeleton, 2 Elsa's and a Voo Doo Doll!

Our 1st stash of the season!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

{Day Trip} Wrightsville Beach!

When we moved to Raleigh we were so excited to be only 2 hrs from the beach! We always said we would take day trips to the beach...often. However, after almost 3 yrs of being here, we just made it over that way last weekend! We also have never been to Wrightsville Beach (we are such Ocean Isle Beach people)! After having a super busy Saturday and waking up to 50 degree weather, the kids weren't overly excited to go. Once we got there, their love for the beach quickly came back! The weather had warmed up and we were nestled in the dunes so we didn't have any wind! Camden and Scott played football, Bexley played in the sand and we got out the Bocci Ball set! We ended the day with a nice late lunch at an outdoor restaurant at a marina on the Intracoastal! It was such a great trip to a cute little town, and so great it was only 2 hrs away...I can see many day trips ahead in our future! In fact, I am planning one on our day off from school next week! Ha!
Football time!

There were piggy-back rides too!
....and sand angels! (Next month she'll be doing SNOW angels.)
Photo bombed!
One of my favorite parts about being at the beach, she dances the whole time she's there!

Monday, October 20, 2014

{Mommy/Son Date} Tony Hawk!

Scott is always the "fun" parent and takes the kids on these amazing kid/parent dates! I had to up my game, so I found the perfect thing to take Camden to on Saturday. It was a Get Rad for Ray fundraiser and Tony Hawk was going to be in Raleigh skateboarding at it!!! We had a great day and loved sharing that with Camden!
Tony Hawk!
Camden's 1st skateboard stickers ~ I don't know if they are cool or not, but let me tell you...Camden was over the moon excited about getting these!
Some kid who participated in the 14 and over competition. He was so good!
Tony Hawk and his friends...although I don't know their names, I know they were HUGE skaters in the 80's!
Having fun!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

{Planking} Cole Style

I decided to take the Plank Challenge for the month of October...tried in August, but it was too hard to remember...(our trip to St. Kitts was distracting...ha)! Little did I know if I just put Camden up to it, he would remember to tell me everyday! Camden is my little work out buddy and I love him for that! He is always up for a run, a toning video or A PLANK CHALLENGE! A Plank Challenge is Planking for 30 days in intervals! Day 1-3, 30sec working your way up to Day 25-30 4min to 5min! Anyway, when my reminder goes off in the morning...yes, Camden has it marked on his calendar, we do it! I thought this would be a great time to get the camera out and capture the bonding between us!

       We are planking...just hard to tell, especially on Camden, because our shirts are hanging down!

Friday, October 10, 2014

{Mrs. Bray's Class} Got Booed!

It's totally common for our neighborhood to "Boo" each other every Halloween. Another Room Mom from Camden's school asked me to "Boo" our classrooms together (us Room Mom's have to stick together)! I loved her idea! Today Mrs. Bray's class got BOOED! I hope they loved it!

A pumpkin gift for Mrs. Bray and funny glasses with mustaches for the kiddos!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

{House Tour} Halloween 2014

Here's our home during Halloween/Fall!

{Lauren + Holly} in NYC!

I haven't been to NYC since I was a teenager, so when we decided on the city for a girls trip I was ALL in! I really have always loved big cities and after being there this weekend just confirms it even more how much I love not only big cities, but NYC! My good friend, Lauren went with me and we could not have had a better time! We shopped, we laughed and we made a TON of new memories! I can't wait to go back with her and have an even better time...if that's even possible!

I didn't get the greatest pic out of the airplane, but this is what I did get!
20 minutes after we checked in, we got this in our room...from the hotel! We were loving NYC already!
Our 1st day trip was to walk the High Line and shopping in the Chelsea & Greenwich neighborhoods!
St. Patrick's Cathedral ~ so beautiful! 
The most exhausting morning of the trip..SNL, but SO WORTH IT!!!!
We walked past the TODAY Show on the way back from getting our stand by tickets to SNL!

5th Ave!Wait list #54 and #55...and we got in!!! Unbelievable!!!