Monday, May 26, 2014

{Movie Night} Turbo

This Memorial Day weekend we stayed home.  We relaxed, we went to the pool, we grilled out, and to make it extra special we had an outdoor movie night...just us 4!  We set up around dusk and let the kids watch a preview until it got dark enough, then we watched Turbo.  I don't know if popcorn and candy was the right thing to do at 8:30pm, but they loved it!  Bexley even said, "This is even better than camping!"  She's right, get to lay outside, under the stars until dark...then sleep inside to our warm, comfy bed!  I completely agree, Bexley!

I love this pic so, so, so much!  We were getting ready for the sun to go down and the kids were patiently waiting.  Then I saw the hand holding.  Melts my heart!

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