Friday, May 23, 2014

{KIT Club} Thanks

So...I always try to be a Room Mom for our kids at their school!  I love it!  I get to help with parties  Learning Experiences, volunteer in the classroom and assist where they need it!  Usually with Bexley's class it's just class gifts and helping while the teacher needs to step out for an hour or so, but with Camden's I get to do a little more!  In Camden's class his teacher offered a program called KIT Club (Kids Into Thinking).  She asked me to lead it this year for her class.  It was every week through the year teaching a group of kids (Camden included into this group) of thinking outside the box.  I loved to see how their little minds worked!  Wednesday was my last day.  The teacher had asked the kids to write a card to me, thanking me for their help!  It melted my heart.  I felt so special that day...kind of like a real teacher!

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