Tuesday, May 20, 2014

{Camping} Cole Style

Last weekend we bought a new tent (the old ~ and by old, I mean 4 months old ~ broke on the last Y Guides camping trip) and last minute decided to take the kids camping at Jordan Lake!  Of course Camden and Scott have been several time, but not Bexley or I.  I haven't been camping since I was little!  It was so much fun!  After we got set up, we went on a hike.

After our hike we came back for dinner and smores.  Then we just sat and talked....it was great!  No one got their iPads out or their phones.  We just sat, ate and spent time together!

I think the smores were a hit with the kids...and adults!

And at 9 o'clock was when we got the iPad out for the kids to fall asleep to a movie.  And quickly after I had to turn in too!  I thought Scott and I would stay up talking until midnight, but I couldn't make it past 9:15pm!  The best part about camping...everyone was up by 5:30am!

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