Friday, May 30, 2014

{Last Day of School} Bexley

Bexley had another great year at preschool!  I can't believe she only has 1 more year of preschool before she is a Kindergartner!  She loved her class so much that the next morning after her last day of school she started crying saying she missed her classmates!  She loved being in the Elephants Class!  Welcome to summer, Bex!

Bexley (on her last day of school) holding a picture of her on her 1st day of preschool this year!  She also loved the balloons in the car to celebrate her last day of school!

Monday, May 26, 2014

{Movie Night} Turbo

This Memorial Day weekend we stayed home.  We relaxed, we went to the pool, we grilled out, and to make it extra special we had an outdoor movie night...just us 4!  We set up around dusk and let the kids watch a preview until it got dark enough, then we watched Turbo.  I don't know if popcorn and candy was the right thing to do at 8:30pm, but they loved it!  Bexley even said, "This is even better than camping!"  She's right, get to lay outside, under the stars until dark...then sleep inside to our warm, comfy bed!  I completely agree, Bexley!

I love this pic so, so, so much!  We were getting ready for the sun to go down and the kids were patiently waiting.  Then I saw the hand holding.  Melts my heart!

Friday, May 23, 2014

{KIT Club} Thanks

So...I always try to be a Room Mom for our kids at their school!  I love it!  I get to help with parties  Learning Experiences, volunteer in the classroom and assist where they need it!  Usually with Bexley's class it's just class gifts and helping while the teacher needs to step out for an hour or so, but with Camden's I get to do a little more!  In Camden's class his teacher offered a program called KIT Club (Kids Into Thinking).  She asked me to lead it this year for her class.  It was every week through the year teaching a group of kids (Camden included into this group) of thinking outside the box.  I loved to see how their little minds worked!  Wednesday was my last day.  The teacher had asked the kids to write a card to me, thanking me for their help!  It melted my heart.  I felt so special that day...kind of like a real teacher!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

{Matron of Honor} Proud

My bestie Brenda is getting married this fall and guess who she asked to be her Matron of Honor?!?

Isn't this handkerchief so stunning?!?  I was so surprised when I got my package yesterday and this is what was in it...along with a really sweet card!  I am beyond honored that she asked me and super excited to celebrate with her on their special day!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

{Camping} Cole Style

Last weekend we bought a new tent (the old ~ and by old, I mean 4 months old ~ broke on the last Y Guides camping trip) and last minute decided to take the kids camping at Jordan Lake!  Of course Camden and Scott have been several time, but not Bexley or I.  I haven't been camping since I was little!  It was so much fun!  After we got set up, we went on a hike.

After our hike we came back for dinner and smores.  Then we just sat and was great!  No one got their iPads out or their phones.  We just sat, ate and spent time together!

I think the smores were a hit with the kids...and adults!

And at 9 o'clock was when we got the iPad out for the kids to fall asleep to a movie.  And quickly after I had to turn in too!  I thought Scott and I would stay up talking until midnight, but I couldn't make it past 9:15pm!  The best part about camping...everyone was up by 5:30am!

Monday, May 19, 2014

{Swimmer Bexley}

We have had Bexley in swimming for a few months now trying to get her ready for the summer!  She is doing a great job!  We are really proud of her hard work on learning all of the strokes!  Can't wait to see her moves in the neighborhood pool!

Friday, May 16, 2014

{Preschool} Singing

I love, love, love Preschool Spring Concerts...well only if our kids are in them!  Ha!  Bexley is really coming out of her shell ~ she sang all by herself and we didn't even have to bribe her this time!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

{Camden Soccer} Town of Apex

Camden is playing soccer for the Town of Apex this Spring.  He is on The Clash!  I was able to get some pics of him at his game this weekend...even though it's his 6th game!  He did great and so did his teammates!  Go Clash!!!

Bexley keeping busy while the team warms up!

Monday, May 12, 2014

{Mother's Day}

What did we do for Mother's Day, you ask?...Well of course I was spoiled!  I wouldn't expect anything less from Scott and the kids!  Breakfast in bed with a newspaper and my fav Starbuck's drink! Then we went to lunch in Chapel Hill and caught the last Tar Heels baseball game of the year (which they the way)!

I asked Scott for one thing this year...a journal for the kids to write in every Mother's Day instead of a cards.  I guess I didn't know what to expect, but of course Scott made it super special!  When I saw it, I started  I hope to keep the tradition going even when they are old!  I love these people so much!  I defiantly feel oh-so-loved every day and especially on Mother's Day! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

{Teacher Appreciation} Week

We LOVE our teachers!...and I love getting to show them how much we appreciate them (with a lot of help from Pinterest)!  Here are some of what we did for our teachers this week!

Sweet Treat Day!
Thank You Card For Your Teacher Day
School Supply Day!
Flowers For Your Teacher Day!
Sweet Treat for our Preschool Teachers!
A banner I hung in the hallway for our 1st Grade Teacher!  Each kiddos pic (taken with a mustache) was a card telling the teacher what each child appreciated about her!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

{Ballet Recital) 2014

Bexley had another Spring Recital!  I guess she has gotten over her shyness now.  She still is a little timid when she is on stage, but she will at least dance ~ just not going to get a smile!  That's long as she is dancing!  Our little ballerina is did a great job!

Friday, May 2, 2014

{Baucom Marathon} 2014

Camden's school does a marathon each year.  The kids are given 2 months to run 25 miles on their own (we cheat a little and count soccer, walks, bike riding and Disney trips).  The last mile is ran as a school and they are given medals by the Apex Fireman and Apex Police!  It is so much fun!!!  Camden was so cute this year, as he came around the last block he ran with his arms up and was high-fiveing the crowd all the way down to the finish line as if he just won the NYC Marathon!  Go Camden!

The cheerleaders ~ although they were more into their Barbies!