Thursday, February 28, 2013

{Uncle Scott} Visit!

My Uncle Scott came to visit us for a long weekend and we even got an extra day with him thanks to the winter storm in the midwest!!!  Snowing like crazy in the midwest made us want to spend a little time at the beach on Sunday when it was 65 and sunny here!!!  We headed to lunch 1st on the Riverwalk, then off to tour the USS North Carolina Battleship!  If you are into history, definatly worth seeing!  Then we went out to the beach!  We had fun all weekend long with Uncle Scott, but the trip was defintaly my favorite memory!  We miss him already!

Camden with his battleship notebook (which used to be our chemical reaction notebook and before that was our Star Wars draawings and before that it was....)  He drew battleships all the way from Apex to Wilmington then all the way home!  It's his newest love!

The Riverwalk in Wilmington!

Sitting in the lunch room in the Lower Deck!

Camden talking Uncle Scott's ear off about different Battleshiips he's drawn and all of his new drawing ideas!

Bocci ball on the beach is so much fun!

Football, anyone!

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