Wednesday, March 6, 2013

{Drawing on the Wall}

"Go ahead....draw on the wall!"  I cannot believe this statement came out of my mouth last night to the kids!  We are in the beginning stages of putting up a backsplash in our kitchen (something we skipped in the building process because they didn't offer what we wanted).  I loved letting the kids draw on the wall ~ it reminded me of a final episode of a tv show I watched when I was little (Growing Pains).  The parents were moving out of their home they had lived in for 20 years. As they were walking out the front door for the last time, noticed a picture left on the mantel.  Behind it written on the wall said, "Mike was here!"  I don't know just never left my mind!  So I love that we are leaving a little something on our walls to maybe be discovered again someday!

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