Monday, February 18, 2013

{Valentine's Day Weekend} At The Beach!

Scott suprised me with a trip to the beach on Valentine's Day!!!  Which also means a new Kate Spade BAG!!!  It was a trip like no other trip we have ever taken to the beach ~ it SNOWED at night and we got to play in the snow...on the beach...all morning!!!  Here's the story...

We had just gotten to the beach and our friends back home sent us a picture of their child in the snow with the message, "Wish you were here!"  We thought they were in the mountains.  They sent the next picture of our house COVERED in snow!  We couldn't believe it!  It was sunny and 55 at the beach...for the 1st hour we were there.  Then the temps dropped 20 degrees and the clouds rolled in.  Later that night after the kids were in bed, Scott and I were talking, listening to the ocean...and it started snowing at the BEACH!  This was definatly a 1st for us!  It made our trip so special and different than any other time we have been there!

We had to cut our trip short because Bexley got sick ( our new car) the 1st night we were there!  We were so bummed, but when we got home there was a cute snowman waiting for us!  (A sweet gift from our friends!)

Our view from our condo!

The snow coming down over the ocean and resort pool!

Playing for the snow on the beach for the 1st

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