Thursday, February 14, 2013

{Happy Valentine's Day!}

Happy Valentine's Day!  It is one of my most favorite days to celebrate not only with Scott, but it is so much fun with kids!!!  Camden and Bexley have really gotten into it this year.  On Tuesday, Camden woke me up and said, "YAY!  Today is Valentine's Day!"...he knew it was Tuesday and NOT Vday, but believed if he said it then it would be true!  Tuesday was a great day because when I got home that evening from a PTA Meeting, Bexley blurted that while I was gone they made "a sweet card for me!"  (I love when they do that!  The making of the card, but also telling me what surprise Scott is planning!)

We started our morning with pink, heart pancakes and milk with red, heart ice cubes (of course) and Scott got his quiche (which he loves)for breakfast!  We were also able to celebrate with our good friend, Matt who was in town on business (extra bonus)!  Then we spent the day at Camden's school for a Valentine's Day Party Valentine's Day Learning Experience, we ate lunch with Camden and then Bexley and I did a little shopping!

Scott and I celebrated by going to one of our favorite restaurants AN.  What did Scott get me you ask?  You'll have to wait because it will be another post in hint, it includes the beach and a new Kate Spade bag!  (I'm feel like such a lucky girl!!!)

My present to Scott...6mths of Date Night Ideas with gift cards!  I'm sure I'll be posting pics of  these as we go on our dates!

A card from Camden to me.  You can't see it, but he wrote, "I love you Mom and you are so so fun and because you are so crafty!"  All written by himself until he asked Scott to spell "because!"

Heart pancakes for breakfast and milk with heart ice cubes!

A sweet card from our Bexley!

Something new I found on Pinterest!  Place compliment hearts on their doors for your children to see when they wake up!  Bexley and Camden loved it!
Bexley with her Valentine's from her class!
...and Camden with all of his Valentines!

Heart pizza for Cam and Bex and our awesome babysitter Kelsey!

The "HeartBreaker and Valentine Princess!"
Our Date Night!!!! I love this pic because I was laughing so hard because I almost dropped the camera (which is super precious to me).  I, however, was really calm...Scott, however, almost fainted!

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