Tuesday, May 1, 2012

{Fishing at Our Pond} Round 2!

After we got home from the beach we went down to the pond in our neighborhood to see if we would have the same luck we had last time!  (Remember, last time I didn't have my camera and we caught 5 fish!)  This time I DIDN'T forget the camera and we only caught 2 ~ sitting in the same spot, using the same bait.  Scott said he removed the barb from the hook this time...ya know, for the sport of it!  Anyway, always a fun treat for Scott Camden & Bexley!  We might just have to go again this week and try again!

1st Cast of the Night!

2nd fish caught!
Fish #2 caught with bread and a Dora The Explorer fishing pole!
Master Fisherman Scott...gettin' serious with the Batman/Spiderman Pole!

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