Monday, April 30, 2012

{Beach Weekend}....again!

Since we had so much fun last weekend at the beach, we went back this weekend too!  While driving east that morning the clouds looked pretty thick and dark, but we were determined to make the best of it!  As soon as we got 4 miles from the beach the clouds parted and the sun came out!  It was perfect!  We stayed on the beach for hours!  Later that evening went to dinner and played some mini golf!  The next morning was wonderful too!  Out to breakfast and back to the beach for a walk!  Such a fun weekend!


Teaching the next Phil Mickelson
YAY...almost got a hole in 1!
Going to the next green!
Photographed by Camden Cole...I love it!

Goofy Family Pic!
Smiley Family Pic!

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