Tuesday, May 15, 2012

{Mother's} Day!

(....from Scott)

I couldn't think of a better day to debut my first blog entry than on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is always an interesting day for me as it reminds me how we should treat our moms every day of the year.  I elected to cook breakfast for Holly and make it a fun project with the kids. We decided on an omelet and off to work we went. Camden was no where to be found because he was "taking a break" from Mother's Day.  While trying to encourage (more like threatening) Camden to participate, Bexley knocked the scrambled eggs over - on to the counter, side of the cabinet, her clothes and the hardwood floors.  We finally mustered a small omelet from the original 5 eggs. I think Holly was pleased, but lesson number one for me was that she deals with this the other 364 days out of the year.

We decided to open her card and gift outside so I could take some pics for my blog today.  Trying to focus two kids long enough for pictures drove my blood pressure through the roof, so lesson number two was that she also deals with this the other 364 days out of the year.

Finally, we went to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse and had a good meal with the family.  In between trying to quite down the kids and asking Bexley not to bang the forks on the table, I was able have a nice conversation with my wife and enjoy the meal. Lesson number three was that Holly deals with this a minimum of 364 meals by herself each year.

I hope she appreciated her day, but more importantly, I also hope she realizes that we (me, Camden, Bexley) love her very much and can never thank her enough for being the glue that holds our daily lives together.  I love my wife and couldn't ask for a better mother to raise our children.  I know I'll try harder to make everyday a special day for Holly.

I would also be remiss if I didn't also recognize two other special ladies in our lives - Holly's mom Sherry and my mom Sharon. Its a shame that it really doesn't "click" until you have kids of your own and begin to understand just how hard it is to be a parent, especially a mom.  Holly and I reflect on all the times we turned up our nose at a piece of clothing that wasn't the "right" brand or a hard-cooked meal our moms found time to provide while working full time and spending all their hard-earned money on their children.  I think we agree that we both regret certain instances, but we are thankful to have both Sherry and Sharon in our lives and wish many more years with them to try and repay just a fraction of all that they do for us.

I also neglected to mention I'm writing this on a plane headed out for four days with work. Thanks again to my wife as I leave her alone (again) with the kids - I can't thank her enough.  Written by an appreciative husband, son, and son-in-law in honor of Mother's Day - I love you all!


Photographer Camden took these ~ it's so easy to smile when he's behind the camera!
Gifts/Cards from Camden & Bexley

Grandma's Day Gift!

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