Monday, April 16, 2012

{A Little Gift for} Our Little Ones

 We finally have bought a playset for our kids!  We were thinking about it last year, but glad we didn't since Scott took his new job and we moved!  But at our new home, it just wasn't complete until we got one!  It's been fun for everyone...did I mention Scott and I put it together!  (I'm not going to lie...some parts of it DID test our marriage)!  I hope you enjoy the pics as much as Scott & I did putting the thing together! (smile)

We had 2 days with no kids to complete it!  Rain or Shine ~ Scott was going to get it done!

Yes, I helped! And no, it's not just me posing for a picture!

Ta Da!!!  Isn't she beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I can't believe you two built that by yourselves
    2. It's amazing! 6 year old Sarah's dream house.
