Thursday, April 19, 2012

{Fishing} In Our Neighborhood Pond!

A few days ago we went down to the community center and got our family fishing permits!  Camden has been so excited to go fishing!  And you know when he is excited about something he asks about it EVERYDAY!  (There is one thing about him that I hope he doesn't lose as he gets older ~ that boy has PERSISTENCE!)  So tonight on a whim, we decided to go down to the neighborhood pond and see what we could catch!  I didn't take the camera because I was going to exercise around the pond while they fished.  MISTAKE!  I made my 1st lap around the pond and I heard Scott say to Camden, "Reel it in...reel it in!"  So I picked up my pace and sure enough...he had caught one!  Lap #2 ~ Bexley caught one!  Lap #3 ~ the kids had made a new friend (2 year old Rose Mary) walking also in at the pond and she caught one!  I finally finished walking after 30 minutes and decided to throw one out there to see if I could catch any ~ Scott and I both caught one!!!  5 fish, 30 minutes later and all with old bread for bait!  Not a bad 1st time fishing in our little neighborhood pond!  I'll tell you one thing...when we go next time I am sure not going to leave my camera at home!

Photos by my camera on my phone!

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