Wednesday, May 13, 2015

{Strawberry Pie} Making!

Scott's mom has the BEST recipe for strawberry pie! And when I say the BEST, the pie never lasts more than a day! I am so fortunate that she has passed on the recipe to me! I read over the weekend, on Pinterest (of course), that moms need to get in front of the camera more instead of just taking the pics. Not just when it's Mother's Day, but on everyday occasions. Love the idea, but I just never think of it! So folks...I tried today! Bexley and I just had a class trip to the strawberry farm, so today I noticed we hadn't made a pie yet. We were getting all of the ingredients out, cutting the strawberries, and mixing when I thought about the post about getting in front of the camera! I set my camera on the timer and away the camera clicked! I'm so glad I did. Such a simple idea produced such sweet pics! I'm kind of liking this!!!!

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