Thursday, May 21, 2015

{Bexley's Last Preschool} Performance!

Bexley had her very last Preschool performance today! I usually tear up a little during their cute slideshow and hearing all of the sweet voices sing songs. This year, I couldn't make the tears stop! They went out with a bang! The slideshow was great and again I heard their angelic voices, but it wasn't until they sang, "How Great Thou Art" that I completely lost it. Even the teachers were crying! The kids just sang their little hearts out and it was just a moment we will never forget! What a great year!

Singing her heart out!
Bexley with her teachers, Tish & Annie
Teacher gift ~ each cookie had the children's name on it!
Bexley with her besties!
Lunch with her daddy after the program

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