Sunday, May 10, 2015

{Happy Mother's} Day!

My mom came to visit us for Camden's 1st Communion a few weeks ago. I have been a little behind on blogging lately. So I actually had time today to sit down and sift through the 100 pics I had to post! I had forgotten that I took this gem while Mom and Bexley were playing on her iPad! I remember loving that my mom took time to come and visit us while she had such a busy month. I remember sitting on the couch watching them play and interact while thinking, "Wow, I am so lucky that she is able to visit us! I am so lucky that she plays with our children every minute of her visit that they are awake ~ making precious memories with them! I am just so lucky she loves them as much as we do!" Then I jumped up and grabbed my camera because I didn't want to forget this moment!  As just having lost my grandma, I know how precious these times are! I know that I cherished those last memories I was able to make with my grandmother! Scott and I are SO lucky to have the greatest moms who are amazing grandmas to our kids!I was going to flood this post with pics of my wonderful day that Scott and the kids worked so hard on, but instead I wanted to say THANK YOU to the World's Greatest Grandmas (in our eyes) Grandma Sherry, Grandma Sharon, Grandma V & Grandma H (my grandmother's) and Grandma Ruby (Scott's grandmother)! Happy Mother's Day!

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