Monday, March 23, 2015

{Pool Day} Spring Break

I was able to sneak out and see the sun rise this morning...and get a pic or two! We decided to have a pool day because it was a little breezy and the ocean was really choppy ~ not so fun for little ones! We had the pool to ourselves for about an hour. The kids love the pool slide and loved not having to wait their turn! We stayed out there all day, then headed in to get something to eat! We ended out night with a walk on the beach!

Water slide Fun!
Bexley wanted her hair braided ~ such a fun treat they offer at the pool! "When I tuck it behind my ear, I feel like I have earrings on!"


  1. Wow! Everyone's smile is just so contagious. Browsing your photos made me feel like I was part of the fun. Hahaha! Glad everyone had a wonderful time at the pool. Hope you guys can get to enjoy more moments like that, Holly! Thanks for sharing! All the best to your lovely family! :)

    Bernice Cunningham @ Guardian Industries

  2. Lovely shots! Looks like the family had the most fantastic time on that pool. I'm sure everyone is itching to come back and have another go at it. After all, fun moments like that can't easily be forgotten. Thanks for sharing all about that fun day! All the best to your lovely family! :)

    Stella Hammond @ Palm City Pools
