Friday, March 27, 2015

{Grandma H} Iowa Visit

While in Iowa, I was NOT going to miss the opportunity to see my other Grandma! So my Uncle and I drove to see her! When we got to the nursing home, she was sleeping. I just sat there and soaked it all in, knowing she might not feel like talking that day. She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping. This may be the last memory I have of her too and I was trying to see it as a gift like the day before! And even though she never woke up that day, I know she felt that I was there! XOXO Grandma H!

This is my beautiful Grandma H! I wasn't leaving without a pic...and when I kissed her, she moved a little so. I think it was her way of saying "hello!"

1 comment:

  1. It seemed like your grandma was pretty exhausted that day, that she didn’t even have the chance to see you. But despite not being able to converse with her, it’s great to know that you had a wonderful visit. Anyway, I really like the picture you shared, I think it’s very lovely. Thanks for sharing!

    Marcia Sherman @ Comfort Keepers
