Thursday, March 26, 2015

{Grandma V} Iowa Visit

I was able to leave Spring Break and take a visit to Iowa. It.was.tough. My Grandma V doesn't have much time left and I wanted to see her one last time. I still had memories to make with her!!! I was lucky enough to spend ALL day with her and give her 3 big final hugs before I left. I found this trip such a gift as some of us don't get that one.last.time moment! Every minute was special to me and I was taking it all in, I will definitely never forget that day. XOXO Grandma V!

Isn't she beautiful! I love this pic so much! When we arrived she wasn't feeling well, but perked up after awhile (that's when we took this pic)! She also had her rosary laying next to her and then told us a story about this Bible that my grandfather had given her. (Isn't that a cool pic of her rosary and Bible ~ I can't take credit, my super talented cousin, Theresa took this on her PHONE! Wish my phone pics looked like that!)
Isn't this pic sweet too! When I told my aunt (the beauty in the back row) that I wanted to visit my grandma, she offered to go with me! Then my cousins, who really are more like the sisters I never had, took the day off of work to come also! What a great day!

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