Friday, March 27, 2015

{Grandma H} Iowa Visit

While in Iowa, I was NOT going to miss the opportunity to see my other Grandma! So my Uncle and I drove to see her! When we got to the nursing home, she was sleeping. I just sat there and soaked it all in, knowing she might not feel like talking that day. She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping. This may be the last memory I have of her too and I was trying to see it as a gift like the day before! And even though she never woke up that day, I know she felt that I was there! XOXO Grandma H!

This is my beautiful Grandma H! I wasn't leaving without a pic...and when I kissed her, she moved a little so. I think it was her way of saying "hello!"

Thursday, March 26, 2015

{Grandma V} Iowa Visit

I was able to leave Spring Break and take a visit to Iowa. It.was.tough. My Grandma V doesn't have much time left and I wanted to see her one last time. I still had memories to make with her!!! I was lucky enough to spend ALL day with her and give her 3 big final hugs before I left. I found this trip such a gift as some of us don't get that one.last.time moment! Every minute was special to me and I was taking it all in, I will definitely never forget that day. XOXO Grandma V!

Isn't she beautiful! I love this pic so much! When we arrived she wasn't feeling well, but perked up after awhile (that's when we took this pic)! She also had her rosary laying next to her and then told us a story about this Bible that my grandfather had given her. (Isn't that a cool pic of her rosary and Bible ~ I can't take credit, my super talented cousin, Theresa took this on her PHONE! Wish my phone pics looked like that!)
Isn't this pic sweet too! When I told my aunt (the beauty in the back row) that I wanted to visit my grandma, she offered to go with me! Then my cousins, who really are more like the sisters I never had, took the day off of work to come also! What a great day!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

{Beach Day} Spring Break

We were beachin' it today...well as long as the kids could hang. The water is so pretty here, but it's choppy. Luckily it's warm enough to get in, but a little challenging to play in! Can't complain though...we've had really great days here and are going to miss it when we go home!

Monday, March 23, 2015

{Pool Day} Spring Break

I was able to sneak out and see the sun rise this morning...and get a pic or two! We decided to have a pool day because it was a little breezy and the ocean was really choppy ~ not so fun for little ones! We had the pool to ourselves for about an hour. The kids love the pool slide and loved not having to wait their turn! We stayed out there all day, then headed in to get something to eat! We ended out night with a walk on the beach!

Water slide Fun!
Bexley wanted her hair braided ~ such a fun treat they offer at the pool! "When I tuck it behind my ear, I feel like I have earrings on!"

Saturday, March 21, 2015

{West Palm Beach} Spring Break!

We ventured South again this year for Spring Break! For the past 4 years, we have gone to Disney World. Although we love Disney, we needed a change this year! We landed upon West Palm Beach! I wanted something a little warmer and the ocean. I had no idea the water would be this beautiful! It was so unexpected how nice it was! We also are loving our hotel (the kids find it so fun to just hang out inside while we decide what the happenings will be for the day)! Such a great start to our vacation!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

{Happy St. Patrick's Day} 2015

The kiddos love St. Patrick's Day...and so do I! Although they didn't try to catch a leprechaun this year, there was still SO much excitement around this morning! They put on their St. Patty's Day clothes, found chocolate coins everywhere throughout the house and even went on a treasure hunt to find gold! My favorite part is always our breakfast tradition! It's a lot to put on, but everyone loves it ~ so it's worth it! Hope you felt as lucky as we did on this special St. Patrick's Day!

{Home Tour} St. Patrick's Day!

We don't decorate much for St. Patrick's Day, but we do put out a little of the green stuff! Here's our home decked out for the Irish holiday!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

{Catch A Leprechaun} Kit

It's almost St. Patrick's Day and we haven't even built a Leprechaun trap yet! I thought the kiddos might find this kit helpful. They had SO much fun using the disguises, that they didn't even notice the other stuff! Maybe if our leprechaun comes tonight and leaves us gold coins, it might inspire us to use our kit!