Saturday, March 23, 2013

{Dirty Girl Mud Run} 03.23.13

Guess what I did today....the Dirty Girl Mud Run!!!!!!!!  It was so much fun!!! (Can you tell I loved it!)  A good friend of mine asked me if I would want to do it.  So I thought...Girls only, a 5K and we get to run in the mud ~ OF COURSE I'LL DO IT!  It took me about 1/2 a second to agree to it!   The forecast called for rain so the organization decided not to do mud in all of the obstacles, but the ones that they had mud in...we made count!  Defiantly, going to do this one again!

Don't think we look that DIRTY...look at our shoes and our shirts we soaked!

My cards from the kiddos when I got home!  Love that Scott suggested they make cards!

Our team shirts!

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