Saturday, June 16, 2012

{Last Full Day} Turks & Caicos

We couldn't have ended our last day here in a better way.  Relaxing on the beach and at the pool all day!  Scott and I got a babysitter (a 17 yr old girl who moved here from Maryland and lives at the resort!  What a great way to live at 17, right!) so we could have lunch and spend some time together!  After lunch, we had a nice walk back to the resort on the beach when I noticed about 20 starfish in the water!  We both immediately thought how much the kids would love it!  Once we got home, we got the kids, and walked down there!  The water was a little rougher than earlier, but we found some!  I think this may be the highlight of the trip!  (I know I say that for every day we've been here!)   The kids..loved... it!  Camden wanted to take one home to show Kitty!  Such a great vacation with so, so many memories!  It's going to be so hard to leave tomorrow!  I can almost guarantee something ...there are going to be tears!!!

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