Monday, June 18, 2012

{Father's Day} 2012

Amen!  Just shy of 2 hours from getting home from the airport, it was Father's Day!  Scott always likes spending his weekends relaxing (that never happens though...I always have him doing something for me or running around!  Just another reason why we love him so much!), but this Sunday he really wanted to do nothing, but sit around and relax!  I almost thought it was Mother's Day because after we woke up Scott started unpacking the suitcases, doing laundry and he even put together 2 loveseats for our front porch!  This is why I love him so much!  On a day that he is supposed to be spoiled by us, he is spoiling me!!!  He's so unselfish & thoughtful of what we would want!  I always hear people say how lucky I am to have him...they don't even know!  There's not one day that goes by that I don't feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful, sweet, loving husband and giving, caring, and fun dad for our kids!  I love you, honey!  Happy Father's Day! 
Father's Day present...a little book I made, written by the kids about their daddy!  Has questions like, "Why is Daddy better than Batman?" and "How old is Daddy/What's his favorite food/ What does he do at work all day?"

Isn't this the sweetest pic...ever!

Another great breakfast at La Farm in Cary, NC!  So yummy!
Look it's another pic of Scott & I with me holding the camera out!  I need to remember we are not in the sand anymore...Camden is allowed to take pics for us again!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

{Goodbye} Turks & Caicos!

After 9 bottles of sunscreen (applied 3x a day),  4 trips to the grocery store (including our $17 bag of coffee, $10 gal of o.j., a $10 12pk of Diet Coke), and  2 showers each person per day we are ready to get back to real life!  Waking at 630, breakfast, playdates, lunch, dinner, playing with neighbors and bed at 8 (even for Scott and I)!  After 15 days of being here Scott & I thought we would be so ready to get back home.  We are ready, but not as ready as we thought we would be!  We asked Camden if he was ready to go home, he said, "I want to move here!"  I couldn't agree with him more, but then he added, "I just need to go home get my toys, Kitty and my friends and then we can move!"

The time has come...our very last morning in the Turks & Caicos!  It's cloudy this morning (The Turks must be sad we are leaving too), but it's not going to stop us from going out to the beach!  Goodbye Turks& Caicos ~ we love you!

{Last Full Day} Turks & Caicos

We couldn't have ended our last day here in a better way.  Relaxing on the beach and at the pool all day!  Scott and I got a babysitter (a 17 yr old girl who moved here from Maryland and lives at the resort!  What a great way to live at 17, right!) so we could have lunch and spend some time together!  After lunch, we had a nice walk back to the resort on the beach when I noticed about 20 starfish in the water!  We both immediately thought how much the kids would love it!  Once we got home, we got the kids, and walked down there!  The water was a little rougher than earlier, but we found some!  I think this may be the highlight of the trip!  (I know I say that for every day we've been here!)   The kids..loved... it!  Camden wanted to take one home to show Kitty!  Such a great vacation with so, so many memories!  It's going to be so hard to leave tomorrow!  I can almost guarantee something ...there are going to be tears!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

{Underwater Sea Explorer} Turks & Caicos

We went under the sea to check out the fish in a semi-sub tour around the coral reef! We were able to see puffer fish, a barracuda, sea turtles, parrot & angel fish!  It was so fun and very different than what we have done! Thirty minutes into the ride Camden told us he was bored...guess he had already seen all of these fish...since he is super snorkeler now!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

{Our Anniversary Dinner} Turks & Caicos

We are celebrating our 4yr Anniversary while in the Turks & Caicos!  We weren't able to go out to dinner on the actual date, so we celebrated last night!  We tried a new restaurant, Coyaba, and it was perfect ~ a romantic garden setting and really good Caribbean food!   After dinner we went across the way to Gracy Bay Club (one of our favs from our last trip) and had a yummy Raspberry Mojito!  It was such a perfect evening, in such a great place, celebrating a really beautiful day...4 years ago!


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

{Beach Party} Turks & Caicos

Our resort offers a beach party every Tuesday at sunset.  Last Tuesday we had other plans, but checked it out.  It seemed pretty busy and like a lot of fun!  We had some friends go to it and they said the food was great & so was the party ~ so we had to check it out!  I knew I would have a lot of fun...I love anything beachy, with Caribbean music, great food, dining on the beach...all of that was a set up for an awesome evening for m!.  To be honest...Camden and Bexley had a lot more fun than Scott and I!  What we loved most, aside from all the stuff I listed, was watching our kids dance the night away.  Bexley was more of the watcher, but when she thought nobody was watching she started "gettin' down."  Now Break-Dancer-Camden Camden was the true site!  He was parting hard, doing flips, break dancing in the sand, and lettin' loose!  I had no idea ~ he will always dance around us, but never in front of people.  He was having the best time!  He was so sad when we had to leave!  Today when we were walking through the resort a lot of the workers would ask Camden if he had fun last night!  I loved that they remembered how much fun he had, but it would be hard to forget our little stud! 

Monday, June 11, 2012

{Dinner + Sand Fun} Turks & Caicos

We've had a pretty relaxing weekend just playing at the beach, pool, dinner, more pool, more beach, & more snorkeling!  Just thought I would share some pics quick of our fun weekend!

Friday, June 8, 2012

{Sunset Cruise} Turks & Caicos

Capt. Bill took us on a Sunset Cruise last night!  It was nice to see the other side of the island, especially at sunset.  It was a special night because we were able to see the "Glow Worms" This local phenomena is a mating ritual of the local glow worm. Right on cue, 50 minutes after sunset, the male and female worms perform a dance!   They are like fireflies in the ocean! It was so fun and amazing to watch!
Capt. Camden driving the boat!

Look at Ms. HappyPants!  This was her favorite activity we've done so far!...kidding!

Sunset on our cruise!
Glow Worms in the water!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

{Happy Anniversary} To Us!

4 Years Ago Today....this happened!

And we are spending it at the Turks and Caicos!  It's a perfect way to celebrate this special day and well...this special life!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

{Snorkeling} Turks & Caicos

We decided that Camden was ready for snokeling at the reef.  He has been practicing out front of our resort for a few days.  He'll stay under for 5 minutes at a time!  On our walk to the reef we saw a barracuda and a dolphin!  I was sure it was good luck for our snorkeling trip!  We took him to the reef and he loved it!  I'm so glad that Scott has a snorkeling partner now (Camden)!  I'll admit it....I'm still a little afraid of the fish even if they are the prettiest I've ever seen!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

{Beach & Pool Fun} Turks and Caicos!

We have been having a blast!  Our normal routine the last few days has been wake up, breakfast, beach/pool, lunch, nap, and back out to the beach/pool!  We are loving that routine!  Here's some pics from the last few days!

Monday, June 4, 2012

{Our LIttle Resort} Turks & Caicos

We are loving the resort we are staying at!  We are at The Somerset on Grace Bay Beach.  It's beautiful!  We are in a 2 bedroom cottage ~ it's perfect for what we need!  Here are some pics of where we are staying!!!

From the breezeway to the pool/beach area
Lounging by the pool!

Looking from the beach to the resort
{Our Little} Home....for now.