Monday, April 30, 2012

{Beach Weekend}....again!

Since we had so much fun last weekend at the beach, we went back this weekend too!  While driving east that morning the clouds looked pretty thick and dark, but we were determined to make the best of it!  As soon as we got 4 miles from the beach the clouds parted and the sun came out!  It was perfect!  We stayed on the beach for hours!  Later that evening went to dinner and played some mini golf!  The next morning was wonderful too!  Out to breakfast and back to the beach for a walk!  Such a fun weekend!


Teaching the next Phil Mickelson
YAY...almost got a hole in 1!
Going to the next green!
Photographed by Camden Cole...I love it!

Goofy Family Pic!
Smiley Family Pic!

Monday, April 23, 2012

{Sunset Beach} In April!

We were invited to a wedding at Sunset Beach last weekend!  I know, I know it's not beach weather yet, but we just can't go to Sunset and not walk or play at the beach!  It's such a great place ~ I can't wait for us to have a place or our own there someday...hopefully soon!  We had a great time at the wedding, playing at the beach, and eating at our usual restaurants!  We just might have to go back very, very soon!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

{Anniversary of Our Engagement}Day!

Today would be anniversary of Scott and my engagement.  No, we don't celebrate it...but we should!  Just looking back at the pictures made a flood of memories come back!  Looking back I should have known it all along that we were going to get engaged that day, but just never had any idea!  Obviously not, since I almost threw away the engagement ring! Next time you buy me a ring Scott,  please don't hide it in a fast food the car!  Happy Anniversary-of-our-Engagement Day, honey!
After I said YES!

Our picnic basket

Where it all happened!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

{Fishing} In Our Neighborhood Pond!

A few days ago we went down to the community center and got our family fishing permits!  Camden has been so excited to go fishing!  And you know when he is excited about something he asks about it EVERYDAY!  (There is one thing about him that I hope he doesn't lose as he gets older ~ that boy has PERSISTENCE!)  So tonight on a whim, we decided to go down to the neighborhood pond and see what we could catch!  I didn't take the camera because I was going to exercise around the pond while they fished.  MISTAKE!  I made my 1st lap around the pond and I heard Scott say to Camden, "Reel it in...reel it in!"  So I picked up my pace and sure enough...he had caught one!  Lap #2 ~ Bexley caught one!  Lap #3 ~ the kids had made a new friend (2 year old Rose Mary) walking also in at the pond and she caught one!  I finally finished walking after 30 minutes and decided to throw one out there to see if I could catch any ~ Scott and I both caught one!!!  5 fish, 30 minutes later and all with old bread for bait!  Not a bad 1st time fishing in our little neighborhood pond!  I'll tell you one thing...when we go next time I am sure not going to leave my camera at home!

Photos by my camera on my phone!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

{Playing} Outside!

Since we have the playset done, the kids ask to play on it morning, noon and night!  Whew!  Because if they didn't like it, Scott and I would be playing on it morning, noon and night!  Here are some cute pics I wanted to share!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

{A Little Gift for} Our Little Ones

 We finally have bought a playset for our kids!  We were thinking about it last year, but glad we didn't since Scott took his new job and we moved!  But at our new home, it just wasn't complete until we got one!  It's been fun for everyone...did I mention Scott and I put it together!  (I'm not going to lie...some parts of it DID test our marriage)!  I hope you enjoy the pics as much as Scott & I did putting the thing together! (smile)

We had 2 days with no kids to complete it!  Rain or Shine ~ Scott was going to get it done!

Yes, I helped! And no, it's not just me posing for a picture!

Ta Da!!!  Isn't she beautiful!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

{Happy Easter} at our house!

Our usual traditions for Easter are putting out carrots for the Easter bunny the night before, an egg hunt in the morning, and church after!  This year wasn't any different except we went to church twice!  (We got to the 1st mass 20 minutes early and there were no seats even outside of the church!  So we went back for the 2nd mass and got there 35 minutes early!)  Then we went out for an Easter lunch and relaxed the rest of the day!  Happy Easter everyone!


I don't remember this, but I got a shot of it on my camera.   Bexley must be saying a prayer to get the most eggs for the egg hunt!


Monday, April 9, 2012

{Easter at} Grandma Ruby's!

Our Easter traditions always include an egg hunt and dinner with family at Grandma Ruby's!  It's always fun to get together with everyone and see what they have been up to!  And we had the perfect day for it too!

Listening to the Egg Hunt Rules!
"On your mark...get set...go!"

Checking out the goods!

"YAY!  What a fun egg hunt!"

{North Carolina Zoo} on Easter least Easter weekend!  We had family in town from South Carolina for Easter and wanted to go to the zoo with them while they were here!!  We always love the zoo, but it's so much better with this fun group!  Check it out!

Getting ready for the 4D Dinosaur Show ~ some loved it...some didn't!

Looking for Rhinos, Elk, and Elephants!

Dinosaur Exhibit!
Sleepy boy...long day at the zoo!  Are you kidding!  Nothing holds this little guy down ~ he was just pretending!

Friday, April 6, 2012

{Just Like} Mommy!

I gave Bexley her 1st French Pedicure last night!  She always has her toes painted, but she wanted what I had!  Have to get those toes all pretty for Easter!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

{Take Your Son to Work} Day!

It is Camden's Spring Break this week and Camden has been begging Scott to go to work with him!  Scott thought it would be the perfect week for it ~ so they are spending the morning together today!  Camden was so excited to leave today to go to BASF!  Oh, boy...he's going to be talking about this one for awhile!

BEFORE ~ On their way to work!
AFTER ~ I think he had a fun day!  He got his own visitor pass + necklace thing-y, BASF hat, and some other goodies!   He LOVED it!