Friday, May 20, 2011

{Making 1 Little Boys} Dream Come True!

Life doesn't get much better after you've been to a tractor parade...if your name is Camden Cole!  This weekend is Agfest!  Camden saw a commercial for it on tv and if he wouldn't have screamed, "Tractors! Tractors! Mommy I saw tractors on tv!"  I would have never known about this awesome event!  We had to go once I saw a Antique Tractor Parade on the itinerary!  I called up Ashley, let her in on the secret and this morning we were on our way to see the Tractor Parade!  We defiantly get the Mommy of the Week award for this one!

...and it just doesn't get much better than this!

Do the John Deere's make the orange in my Gatorade 'Stach stand out?
Best Friends relaxing as the tractors go by!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

{2nd Floor} Going Up!

Have I ever mentioned that we, mainly myself, LOVE going out to see our house being built?  Have I also ever mentioned that we, I really mean "I", am there 6 out of the 7days a week?  I wish I was kidding, but I'm not.  Anyway, I knew the workers were really close to putting up the 2nd floor so I had been stalking our lot/house.  Today, I actually convinced  Scott to go there with me even though it A) wasn't a school day and B) I had just been there yesterday.  Once again, when we turned the corner I let out a little scream ~ they were putting up the 2nd floor!  I am going to try to contain myself and not go out there tomorrow.  I should really consider bringing the workers donuts every time I'm there!  Then again, if I do that ~ we may not be able to afford our house anymore!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

{We Love Our} Teachers!

Camden has had so many wonderful teachers!  I have a deep and genuine appreciation for what they do!  I just wanted to share what Camden did, with a little help from me, to show his gratitude to them!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

{Happy} Mother's Day!

What a great Mother's Day weekend!  I was taken out to breakfast on Saturday morning to one of my favorite breakfast spots in Cary, then we went to check out the Farmer's Market!  When we walked into the Farmer's Market Camden turned to Scott and said, "Daddy, I've got to tell you something.  It's a secret."  So Scott bent down and in Camden's best whisper voice, which is usually louder than his actual talking voice he says, "Can we buy Mommy flowers for Mother's Day?"  I almost cried it was so sweet!  I loved that he thought of it all on his own!  We did some shopping at the Market then went downtown to the Apex Peakfest!  It was a blast!  On Sunday I didn't have to worry about a thing ~ no cooking, no cleaning, no changing poopy diapers!  We relaxed at home, then went furniture shopping, and then out to dinner.  I don't need special days for my children and husband to let me know how they feel about me ~ I'm lucky enough to get that everyday!  Happy Mother's Day to all moms today and ALL DAYS!

Getting a smooch for a great breakfast

Camden picking out flowers for me

My beautiful flowers and baby boy!

Bexley smelling the hydrangeas
Bexley LOVES strawberries!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

{And We Have} A 1st Floor!

It's no lie...I do frequent our new neighborhood A LOT!  It's not unusual for me to go out there on days Camden has school ~ I mean it's only a few minutes away!  How can you not be in the area and NOT stop by?  I just love being out there and daydreaming what it will be like once our home is done!  It's also so much fun to see the new homes go up and think that our home will soon look like that.  Scott and I often compare the house down the street, which is a step ahead of ours, to what ours will look like in the next week.  Well, we met with the builder this week to discuss what structural/decorative things we picked out and time lines.  Anyway, the builder had mentioned that this week we would be getting the floor joists in and next week they would start on the good stuff ~ our 1st and 2nd floors!  I was there on Thursday, you was a school day and they had gotten the floor joists in plus delivered all of the lumber!  Then Friday, I made a little jaunt on out there because the kids and I needed something to do.  I couldn't help but let out a little scream when I turned the corner and saw they had already started on the 1st floor!!!  So of course I whipped out the camera and snapped a few pics ~ then just sat there a daydreamed a little more....