Sunday, December 26, 2010

{Merry Christmas} and Happy Holidays!

We had such a wonderful Christmas this year!  I know...they are all great, but this year was especially fun!  Camden really understood what Christmas is all about (both Jesus being born and the Santa part).  We also did some charity work where Camden had a hand in it ~ which he loved!  Bexley, of course doesn't understand Christmas yet, but loved opening presents...and was pretty good at it!  Scott and I agreed that next year we are going to give Bexley all of Camden's gifts and vice versa!  They seemed to play with each others toys more than what was given to them!  Santa was even good to me!  Being from Iowa, I love a white Christmas and Santa made sure we got one!  Camden thought he was so cool driving his new 4-Wheeler in the snow and Bexley loved playing in it.  After the snow had accumulated more, Camden and I made a snowman and snow angels!  We had dinner and presents over at Kimberly and Nathan's house on Christmas Eve ~ awesome, but ate WAY TOO MUCH!  And we are sure to hear the story about the chicken's butt exploding every year for the next 5 years!  ;) 

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