Tuesday, January 18, 2011

{Happy 4th Birthday} Camden!

I can't believe our little boy is 4!  Seems like yesterday he was a newborn!  He had such a busy and fun birthday week!  We started his week off at Chuck E. Cheese with Grandma Sharon, Grandpa Phillip, Kimberly and Nathan.  It was our 1st trip there (for Camden and us as adults).  Boy that place is crazy!  On Camden's birthday it snowed, so no school and no work for Scott.  So...we went back to Chuck E. Cheese and had the place to ourselves!  It was so much fun!  On Thursday Camden had his 4 year check up.  We were so proud of him ~ he did so well getting his shots.  He started running a fever and I thought it was from the shots, but he ended up getting sick for several days.  Scott and him went to Monster Jams on Friday, but ended up coming home shortly after it started because he still wasn't feeling well.  You know that boy is sick when he says, "I'm too sick for Monster Jams, I need to rest!"  We also ended up canceling his Monster Truck birthday party because of it.  Luckily, by Tuesday he was feeling better so he could have his John Deere Party at school!  We are so proud of all he has accomplished in his 4 years ~ I hope the next 4 are as fun as these were!

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