Monday, December 6, 2010

{Happy Holidays} Week 1

Whew!  What a busy weekend!  3 more weekends to go like that until Christmas!  We went downtown on Friday for the tree lighting, carolers, ice stating, and to see Santa!  It really got us into holiday mode when we heard the live Christmas music and all of the holiday cheer!  On Saturday we had Camden's 1st basketball game and then went downtown again to the Christmas Parade.  It was great!  We really enjoy the parade because Greensboro has the big balloons like the Macy's Day one.  This year it snowed while we were watching it!  What a fun surprise and bonus!!!  I can't believe we got snow before my parents did in IOWA!  How crazy!  We then went to the Beck Christmas for dinner and of course ate WAY too much!  On Sunday, we went to pick up Scott & I's Christmas present in Charlotte, then shopped til we dropped!  I'm sure the kids are ready to be back on their schedules...well until next weekend!!!

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