Wednesday, August 24, 2016

{Summer Fun} Pullen Park

This is the last week before our kiddos go back to school. We all wish we had another month or so to relax. It's not that we don't want to go back to school, but because we are having so much fun hanging out together! Today we went to Pullen Park. It's an old park with a 1911 Carousel, a train ride that takes you around the whole park, small rides, pedal boats on the pond and a futuristic playground! We had fun riding the carousel and riding the train, but the real excitement (and the kids begged) were the pedal boats. I really didn't want to do it, but Bexley said I could just sit in the back and the kids would do all the work! (Got to love that) So I agreed. When we got there, someone (Bexley) couldn't reach the pedals and someone (me) did all the work! It was fun though and it was definitely the highlight of the park. What a fun day!

All aboard!

Pedal Boating fun!

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