Tuesday, August 23, 2016

{Cover Model} Camden's Debut

A friend was contacted by the local hospital here to do a photo shoot for a story on child safety. They wanted to do the shoot at the Apex Skate Park and take pictures of kids who practice wearing safety gear. Our friend thought Camden would be perfect for it. It wasn't what I was expecting. I thought the writer would show up and snap a few pictures on her camera and we would be done. I was wrong! It was a full on photo shoot! The writer, a photographer and of course THE MODEL! Ha! Camden was a little nervous, but he did great!

A month or so later, I was outside chatting up our neighbor and she said, "Was that Camden on the front cover skateboarding?" I think I might have screamed and jumped up and down with excitement! We hadn't heard or seen the magazine yet. I couldn't believe he made the cover and inside front page! Check out his 1st modeling gig here!

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