Friday, November 27, 2015

{Hilton Head Island} Drive In Movie

We discovered a little treat on our drive to Charleston on the 2nd day...a Drive In Movie Theater! Scott and I thought that would be a super fun surprise for the kids on Friday night. So we got our blanket and pillows, ordered pizza and brought popcorn. Planning on making a little bed in the back of the car and watching the movie! When we arrived we found out that the kids screen where they were playing 'The Good Dinosaur' was broken! After driving an hour to get to the movie and wanting the kids to see their 1st drive in movie, we were desperate. We settled for the adult movie 'The Hunger Games' (don't judge). Camden loved it and Bexley fell asleep after 30 min, but we had SO much fun! As we were going to leave, our battery on the car drained so we had to get a jump from some locals. What a rememberable night that we will never forget!

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