Monday, November 23, 2015

{Hilton Head Island} Day Visit To Charleston

Today we took a little jaunt (2 hour jaunt) to Charleston, SC. Scott and I have always loved this city! It's full of history and! There is so much to see and do! We had a few things in mind...

The City Market ~ The kids loved this. All hand-made goodies to sell!

A Carriage Ride ~ They really didn't want to do this...until we got there. They were so glad we took an hour tour around the city. It was cold, but a lot of fun! Of course we got hot chocolate (coffee for me) and a little snowman treat to go with it!

Ghost Tour ~ The kids really wanted to do this, but of course I didn't want them to. So we took them into one of the coolest (and I say that lightly...I really do not like creepy cemeteries). And Miss Thing was oddly loving it!

Finally, we just walked around, shopped and hung out as a family! What a great day!

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