Tuesday, December 30, 2014

{Knoxville, Tennessee}

While we were on our way back from St. Louis, we stopped in Knoxville! What a cute little town! We were able to check out a little bit of it before we ventured home! We walked to breakfast at this quaint crepes place, then walked around the park and ended up at the Sunsphere! (We called it the disco ball!) We were only able to walk around a few hours, but saw some fun parts of Knoxville! Then we ventured to Asheville, where we planned to spend the day, but were only able to hit a few shops and dinner before started turning dark! Guess we'll have to go back soon!

Knoxville Courthouse
The French Market

The disco ball Sunsphere!
Inside the Sunsphere ~ a view of Knoxville!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

{St. Louis} Fire Truck Ride!

My brother sells fire truck equipment/trucks. So when he asked if we wanted to go down to the office and take a look at a few different trucks, we didn't say no! Once we got there, he let the kids get in the truck. Then he and Kyle showed us how the ladders, lights and horns work! I think Kyle is a fire truck sales person in training! He knew just as much as my brother! Then they took us for a short ride! The kids just loved this (and Scott and I too)! What a treat!!!

Fire Truck talk
...and this is how the ladder goes down!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

{St. Louis} Ice Skating

We went to the coolest outdoor Ice Skating Rink while in St. Louis! Not only was the ice skating outdoors, but they had a large fire pit to sit around! The kids, Chris and I went skating while Scott took pics. Dad and Uncle Scott enjoyed a cold one while watching!!! Such a fun way to start our St. Louis Christmas!

Little Ice Skating Cuties!
Bexley is still begging us to go back! She loved it!

Friday, December 26, 2014

{St. Louis} Roadtrip

After opening presents on Christmas morning and having a big lunch we started our trip to St. Louis to see my parents, brother and nephew! I kind of dreaded the 13hr car drive, but it was actually really fun! We had great travel days and only heard this phrase 4 times: "Are we there yet?"

Fog in the mountains!

Lots of video games, iPad and Redbox rentals!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

{Christmas Morning} 2014

The kids were so excited to find out what Santa had left for them on Christmas morning! I was the 1st one to wake up and since it was early I got ready. While I got ready, Scott had woken up and did the same. We both were ready and waiting for the kiddos to wake up ~ only to find out they both slept in an hour longer than they normally do! Once they woke up, we ran downstairs and started in on the fun!!! I think they kids were happy with their presents this year as the pics say it all! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

{Letter to Santa} Bexley

Bexley was sick the week we were going to see Santa so she decided to write a letter to him and send it back with Elfie! Here is her sweet letter!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Elfie (Week 3}

Week 3!!!

Golfer Elfie! Who knew? Camden received the 'Golfer of the Month' award at Golf Lessons so I guess Elfie wanted that title too!

Tic Tac Toe, anyone?
I think the kids liked this one best of all! Elfie was driving around with us all day!

Monday, December 22, 2014

{Elfie} Week 2

Elfie sightings, Week 2!

Elsa-Elfie showed up the day Bexley was going to Frozen on Ice!
Elfie was sick the same time Bexley was ~ they spent the day together resting in the bed!

Friday, December 19, 2014

{Pre-Opening} Gifts

We always let the kids open 1 gift before Christmas (psst...it's always Christmas pj's). Tonight after we opened them, then we watched Charlie Brown's Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

{Christmas Program} Bexley

I cannot believe Bexley just had her last Christmas program at her preschool! (insert LOTS of tears here!) I was so impressed with how well the class did. After the program, Scott and I were talking about how much Bexley has come around at these little concerts ~ even last year she would only sing if we bribed her! She sang the whole time AND did the motions! Proud parents here!

Singing "Silent Night" in the dark while holding a candle!
Saying a prayer together as a class! Isn't this the most precious pic you have ever seen?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

{Gingerbread House}

This is one of my favorite things we do over Christmas! The kids love it! They had so much fun doing it this year!

Monday, December 15, 2014

{Home Tour} Holiday Season 2014

Here is our home for the holidays! I am always SO glad I blog this (when Christmas time comes around the next year)...because I NEVER remember what I did the year before! Ha!

Living Room Fireplace.

Yes, I keep all of your cute Christmas cards from years past! We keep them on our coffee table and love looking back!

Dining Room
Foyer...I wish you could see the mistletoe..Bexley and Camden's favorite!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

{Apex Parade} 2014

We love going to the Apex Parade every Christmas and this year Camden and Scott were in it! It was Camden's 1st time being in a parade and he was so excited! Bexley had gotten really sick that day, so I was at home with her, but I got a lot of pics from friends when they saw Scott and Camden! It was rainy that day, but that doesn't stop our little town from having a parade! Here is the pic I got from Scott and a video my sweet neighbor took!!!