Friday, April 18, 2014

{Easter} Coloring Eggs

Coloring eggs at Easter was always a childhood favorite of mine.  My mom would get the PAAS Easter Egg Coloring Kit and away my brother and I would go, coloring eggs!  We haven't done that with our kids fact, I don't know if we have ever colored eggs with them like this.  So I bought the PAAS Easter Egg "Classic" Kit (forgetting for best results to use vinegar ~ that brought back memories as the kids said, "Oooh, it smells DISGUSTING!") so they could give it a try!  They loved it, of course!  We tried to draw pictures on them with crayons, but the drawings were hard to see.  Another fun night before Easter!

I love the green egg coloring here.  If you look closely, you can see that Camden made a PEACE sign!
We made Jellybean bracelets too!

Carrots for the Easter Bunny!

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