Tuesday, April 22, 2014

{Spring} And Swings

We love Spring time!  And I especially love those moments when Scott and I get to just sit and talk while the kids play outside.  I love hearing them get along, playing together.  I also really love when I look over and they are laughing, smiling and having a great time.  Bring on Spring!!!

Do you remember doing this?  Twisting the swing so much that you swirl around until you get sick...and then do it over and over!

                                               He's got skills and he is so proud of them!

Oh and if you are wondering...3rd outfit of the day because who doesn't want to swing in a tutu!

Monday, April 21, 2014

{Easter} 2014

Happy Easter!!!  What a beautiful day it was!  We woke up to our Easter baskets and our eggs hidden IN the house (instead of outside ~ which was a little soggy from the rain the day before).  Then the kids got bunny cinnamon rolls for breakfast and it was off to church!  We relaxed most of the day with a visit from our grandparents in the afternoon.  We did an outdoor hunt when they arrived!

Bunny Cinnamon Rolls

Saturday, April 19, 2014

{Easter} House Tour

I didn't decorate much for Easter since we have been so busy!  Here is what we did do!

Friday, April 18, 2014

{Easter} Coloring Eggs

Coloring eggs at Easter was always a childhood favorite of mine.  My mom would get the PAAS Easter Egg Coloring Kit and away my brother and I would go, coloring eggs!  We haven't done that with our kids yet...in fact, I don't know if we have ever colored eggs with them like this.  So I bought the PAAS Easter Egg "Classic" Kit (forgetting for best results to use vinegar ~ that brought back memories as the kids said, "Oooh, it smells DISGUSTING!") so they could give it a try!  They loved it, of course!  We tried to draw pictures on them with crayons, but the drawings were hard to see.  Another fun night before Easter!

I love the green egg coloring here.  If you look closely, you can see that Camden made a PEACE sign!
We made Jellybean bracelets too!

Carrots for the Easter Bunny!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

{Disney} Pool Day

We love staying off property when we go to Disney.  One of the reasons is because we always rent a house with our own pool!  The kids love the pool as much (if not more) than going to Disney!  We had a few pool days in between going to the parks!  Just relaxing, getting take out food and swimming all day and ALL night!

{Disney} Magic Kingdom

We had another great visit to Magic Kingdom!  After the princess breakfast we were able to get on every ride we love...and of course get more autographs!  We are always super impressed with Disney and how lucky we get with every thing we do there!  We were able to get into the princess breakfast, then got on every ride quickly, get squeezed into the Electric Parade (they have a new Fast Pass system and it is VERY different) and then last minute were able to get a reservation at the very-hard-to-get Be Our Guest restaurant!  Disney is always exciting, always tiring, but ALWAYS worth it!

At Storytime with Belle, Bexley was chosen to be the Beast!  She was so excited to dance with Belle!

Friday, April 4, 2014

{Disney} Magic Kingdom Princess Breakfast

A month or so ago, I tried and tried to get into the Princess breakfast, but I was too late.  Everything was booked!  I checked everyday until I was tired of checking.  Then one day, just decided to check one last time and we got in!!!  We were lucky to get to do a Princess lunch last year just Bexley and I, but this year we took the whole fam with us!  I didn't have to bribe Camden ~ he was all about getting more autographs...even if they were princess ones!  I think this time Bexley was more star struck than last time!  Everyone loved it!
Me and the real princess before our breakfast!
Bexley had the princesses sign her storybook instead of an autograph book.
Bexley racing up the stairs!

Camden only wanted autographs...until Princess Jasmine came around ~ then he wanted to be in the picture!  Ha!

Princess Tiana wasn't at the breakfast, but being one of Bexley's favorites we HAD to go see her too!!!  She was one of my favorites of the day calling the kids "chicken nuggets!"  We laughed about that all day!
Our last 2 autographs for our book was Rapunzel and Belle...we felt so fortunate to stumble upon these princesses together!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

{Disney} T Rex Cafe

Another favorite for the kids was the T Rex Cafe!  I think they love that last year they did the Build A Dino (like Build A Bear).  So this year they were able to pick out some accessories for their dinosaur.  They also like the Meteor Shower during lunch time!  The food isn't that bad either!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

{Jedi Training} 2014

#1 on our list for Hollywood Studios was to get Camden into the Jedi Training again!  It's always so much fun and Camden really gets into it!  This time I was able to get some really good pics (I'm sure it had nothing to do with Bexley not throwing up this year!  Ha!) of Camden with Darth Vader.  He did really good fighting with him and he loved every minute of it!  May the force be with you!

"I want Camden to come to the dark side!" ~ Darth Vader

Bexley getting in the Star Wars mood with her Princess Leia shirt!