Saturday, March 22, 2014

{J + K} Wedding

Our friend, an old babysitter and hometown church family, got married a few weekends ago!  The kids were so excited when she asked them to be in the wedding!  They did a great job too ~ we were so proud!  Camden loved hanging out with the bridesmaids (we're going to have to watch that boy when he gets older).  So much that when we took our eyes off of him for a minute, he was in the middle of all the girls.  He also wanted to dance with them all!  Speaking of dancing...Bexley couldn't get enough of the music!  She twirled until her little feet made her stop!  Scott and I loved every minute of it ~ I wish my pics (from the reception) would have turned out better!  Enough about our kids...isn't a wedding really about the bride and groom!  Congrats J & K!

Don't you LOVE her Guest Book and Words of Wisdom!  
Grandpa getting a pic!

Fighting for the garter!  Good thing he didn't get it!  ;)

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