Monday, March 31, 2014

{Disney} Hollywood Studios

On our first day at Disney we went to Hollywood Studios!  We had a great day for it and we got to see everything we wanted AND more!  This park is usually for Camden, however, I think Bexley loved it just as much this year!  Of course Camden loved all of the Star Wars stuff and the Jedi training.  We got to see Indiana Jones...which was Bexley's favorite and Camden's too!  Maybe we have a little stunt girl on our hands!!!  Again this year, the kids were still scared to do the Tower of Terror, but there's always next year!  This Disney thing is starting to be a Spring Break tradition of ours!!!

For some reason this trip, Camden was all about getting autographs...even more than riding rides!  Bexley wanted the signatures, but not to pose with them!  She was hilarious with FroZone!
I think this was one of my favs!  I thought it would be Bexley's...and it was until we saw the Indiana Jones show!
This was Honey I Shrunk the Kids break we took!  The kids loved it!  Good thing we saw the movie before we left!
Always super fun...the Toy Story ride!  Camden and I were partners!  I got 107,200!!!  WooHoo!  After the ride, Scott asked me what my score was.  It was weird...after I told him what I got, he couldn't remember what his score was!  Whatever!  Hahaha!

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